ML Model | Accuracy Result | Observations |
Neural Network | 96.15% | The neural network was most well-equipped to be trained and accurately predict the types of the animals in the testing data set. | >
Random Forest | 96.15% | The random forest was accurate in predicting the types of the animals in the testing set. This model proved as a fast and efficient way to build a machine learning model for a multi-classifier. | >
KNN | 95.2% | The K Nearest Neighbors model was able to accurately predict the types of the animals in the testing data set. This model would have been more accurate if we would have had a traditional classification problem. | >
SVM | 86% (Polynomial Kernel) | The Support Vector Machine was the least accurate in predicting the types of the animals in the testing set. This model was modified and run using different configurations, but still predicted the animal type with the lowest accuracy of all the models built. | >
With such a large selection of classes we weren't sure how accurate our scores would be, but the dataset turned out working really well for Machine Learning
A large attribution list likely helped contribute to our high scores and overall success